PureWaveShaper: DSP Module

Screenshot of a project setup in Visual Studio 2022, showing the file explorer with modules including juce_audio_basics and PureWaveshaper DSP.
Project setup in Visual Studio 2022 with JUCE modules and PureWaveshaper DSP.

PureWaveShaper (PWS) is a JUCE-based DSP module designed for real-time audio processing. This project integrates a collection of over 90 optimized algorithms, covering modulation, distortion, filtering, delay effects, and more. Engineered for efficiency and flexibility, it serves as a foundation for developing high-quality audio plugins and applications. This module is fully modular, allowing seamless integration of selected effects and processors into various audio projects. Additionally, an implementation project is available, providing a working example and serving as a debugging tool. More information about this project can be found at this repository.

CCMkI: Classic Compressor

Classic Compressor
CCMkI User Interface

Design and development project of an audio compression plugin. Presented at AES Ecuador 2024. Created in C++ in the JUCE framework. This compressor integrates advanced audio signal processing techniques into its algorithms that allow it to efficiently handle amplitude variation, increasing the clarity and warmth of the sound. It also has an intuitive user interface. More information about this project in this link.

Batas: Drum Kits

Batas, Drum kit microphones set up.
Drum Kit from recording session Batas at UDLA studio

Sound design proyect publised by Reason Studios. This ReFill contains four drum kits recoded with hypersampling technique at 24 bits, 48K Hz cataloged by mics inside NN-XT sampler and finally programed in combinators. The drum kit sampled were Tama Starclassic Bubinga, Mapex Saturn, Mapex Armony y Greatch Motor City Black through mics and preamps including: Shure Beta 52, e901 Sennheiser, Electrovoice RE20, Audix SCX1, Neumann 184,Cascade Fat Head, Manley Force, Ruper Neve, API, Aphex207, Solid State logic, to name a few. More info about this ReFill and its design in the operation manual.

Iktan: Custom Bass

Iktan sound design projects custom bass sample, recorded at 24-bit/48kHz
Vogel guitar bass from Iktan recording session at NoiseRoomUIO (17 June 2021)

Sound Design project published by Reason Studios. The refill contains 365 samples at 24 bits 48K Hz programmed in NN-XT. The main sources is a hand crafted Vogel bass guitar developed using three bass techniques finger stile, slap and tap. The sound pack available at reason store.

loopIn: Percussion Kit

loopIn sound design projects percussion kit, hyper-sampled audio.
Wavedrum instrument from recording session at NoiseRoomUIO. (16 April 2021)

The loopIn percussion kit contain 530 WAV sound samples taken from ‘Wavedrum’ designed by Korg, that allows design sounds based on samples and algorithms. This kit have different instrument tones and this are catalogued with their different tonalities. Some samples recorded are: drum bass, bongos, snare drums, cajón, congas, djembe, timbales, toms, and many others. Something to stand from this kit is that it is not normalized to preserve some interpretation dynamic in the recording.

bluebirdDay: Drum Kit

Foto from cover art bluebirdday. Snare drum and microphone from recording session.
Photo from bluebirdDay recordding session.

The ‘bluebirdDay’ kit contains 61 WAV files carefully recorded from the Pearl Vision VSX drum set at Opas House Records. Recording and edition signal chain where consistently keep at 24bits bit depth and 48kHz sample rate. Ffmpeg were used to down grade the audio signal and finally rendered and normalized at -23 LUFS. The gear and mics used to record this sound library include: Wharfardale Pro r2004, Digi 003, BETA52A, e602 MD421, KSM141, SM57, RE20, Slate VMS.

To support me and this project please consider download the sample kit (24bits/48kHz) from my bandcamp account.

codeSound: Audio-Visual System

codeSound sound design projects audio-visual system, Max/MSP design
Testing codeSound on a laptop.

Sound art system designed and developed in Max/MSP. It generates synthesized based in feedback principle. Sound and images are controlled by trackpad mouse and keyboard.
codeSound source